Model Suggestion Drug amount scaled

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Suggestion Title: Drug amount scaled
Suggestion Description: The suggestion is to “scale” the appearance of dropped drugs dependant on the amount dropped, similarly to how moneys display model is amount dependant.

Dropping less than 30 of a drug should display it with the drug bag model, the model used previously (that I believe is still in the content packs). Anything more than this dropped, the drug should display as the current brick.

This is partially for cosmetic reasons and display reasons but also to be able to sell it to other players in a less obvious fashion.

Within the inventory wheel and in storage the model should always display as a brick.

A model for a small meth packet will be needed, but this probably isn’t a huge task in comparison to other model developments.

Why should this be added?:
- Realistically proportioned drugs.
- Display purposes fulfilled with more variety.
- Less conspicuous when selling these items, even within a public shop.

What negatives could this have?:
- Might be hard to code I guess.
+1 No more coke scams! This thread is a year old but its a good suggestion.

This is a good suggestion. When you drop large amounts of money it becomes a briefcase so I’d assume the same aspect should be added with dropped drugs as well.
Just to reiterate, this is the model smaller drug quantities should display as when dropped:


There is also a coke bag model similar to this. Meth would need a new model but it’s a matter of changing the contents texture for meth.
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