DumbWay Boyz Applications

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Reaction score
Israel, HaDarom
In-game name: *Name*
Steam name: *Steam name*
Game time: *Total time* (Hold Q while ingame to check)
Car (If has): *Car name* (You will be accepted without a car. If you have one, make sure its under 500K and doesnt look too expensive)
How responsible you are: *0/10*
How good at RPing you are: *0/10*

Good Luck!
In-game name: Sam Vertongen
Steam name: nickjedl
Game time: 1 Week
Car: Volvo
How responsible you are: 7/10
How good at RPing you are: 6³/10
In-game name: *Alex Zaigar*
Steam name: *xAl3xTh3Sn04M4n*
Game time: *2 weeks*
Car (If has): *Lamborghini gallardo, ford f150 <-- pls accept me ill use the ford xDD.* (Im getting a bmw hopefully soon or audi :))
How responsible you are: *7/10*
How good at RPing you are: *7/10*
In-game name: Ayjay Galay
Steam name: Lakins on da loose
Game time: *1 week
Car (If has): *Car name* ss Chevolet Camaro
How responsible you are: *8/10*
How good at RPing you are: *7/10*
Hmm, didn't know this org will actually work. I am currently in another org, if I will not like it, ill leave it and accept you guys, for now I'm not so sure what will happen, I guess ill wait to find out.
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