This quarter's Employee Satisfaction Survey is now closed, a total of 32 responses were submitted and gave us a wide range of opinions and feedback. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response for taking the time to do so, here are some of the feedback given to us. All pieces of feedback have been reviewed and made available to the command teams. Due to confidential questions within this Employee Satisfaction Survey, some questions were not published. If you have any questions, please feel free to make a HelpDesk ticket, directed to HR!
Which divisions in the PLPD do you currently work in?
How long have you been at your current Rank?
Which of the following statements best describes your Rank status?
How much time do you generally spend working on administrative duties compared to being on-duty in-game?
I am treated fairly in the PLPD
I am treated with respect by the people I work with
I feel valued for the work I do
I think that the PLPD respects individual differences (for example, cultures, working styles, backgrounds, ideas, etc.)
I feel comfortable speaking to those more senior in rank than me about their actions and impact
If I see or experience any form of wrongdoing in the PLPD, I know how to raise a concern
I am proud when I tell others that I am part of the PLPD
I would recommend the PLPD as a great thing to be involved in or a great place to work
I feel a strong personal attachment to the PLPD
The PLPD inspires me to do the best I can or the best in my job
The PLPD motivates me to help achieve its objectives