Erwin Rommel AR

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Your Steam/In-game Name: ♫JarredInator♫ / Jarred Donerino

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Erwin Rommel / Unknown

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
User stalled the mugging completely and was basically yelling to make it obvious he was getting mugged. Accessed his chest whilst on gunpoint without any permission given to me at all. Probably got his gun out and banged me in the face whilst I had an m4 basically pointed directly at him. Was writing a report therefore couldn't respond in time to him pulling out a gun

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: N/A
I also believe 3.1 should be added here. I'd reported this guy a few times but no moderator came and it was certainly not worth posting an AR for a minor rule. However this was over a week ago and his name still stands

As in terms of the actual AR, it is clearly evident here that he was trying to stall the situation in the hope that Callum would enter Slums with other officers. He had clear instructions at gun point and failed to comply with them, and for this reason I support the AR.
After looking over this Action Request I am now supporting it.

From the evidence provided it is clear to see that there was clear ignorance to the search /me thus breaking 3.26. To build onto this, he obviously accessed his storage chest to either withdraw the firearm that he used against you or to, in fact, store items. Even if none of the stated happened, the user in question still decided to open the storage chest. Finally he then withdrew a firearm at gun point and shot the mugger. This was in clear breach of 3.4 as, if Jarred was not mid-typing a report then a high chance of the user being shot to death would have arose.
Gonna +support this AR for the following reasons:
-He clearly stalled the roleplay situation by just saying "I dont understand" and not dropping his stuff when you told him to
-He accesed his storage chest and might or might not have stored something or took his pistol out
-Did not follow your orders while being under direct gunpoint
-Took out his own firearm and shot you whilst still having your gun pointed just a few centimetres infront of his feet, if you would not have been writing the report you would've shot him
-Using the name of Generalfeldmarschall Rommel

To conclude the user broke the following rules: 1.4, 3.1, 3.4

User clearly broke 3.4 and will be punished accordingly, feel free to make a refund request. also please for the love of god mute teamspeak.
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