Server Suggestion Extended prop limit with planters down.

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Suggestion Title: Extended prop limit with planters down.
Suggestion Description: Please, make it so that you can get extended props while having planters down for christmas trees. (not for drugs)

Why should this be added?:
- People actually being able to decorate/build christmas/festive things without being limited due to them growing christmas trees.

What negatives could this have?:
- I wouldn't see any negatives if implemented properly.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Me owning a market stall and only being able to decorate it to a certain limit (40 props, so like nothing) due to me also wanting to grow the small christmas trees.
Last edited:
Suggestion Title: Extended prop limit with planters down.
Suggestion Description: Please, make it so that you can get extended props while having planters down for christmas trees.

Why should this be added?:
- People actually being able to decorate/build christmas/festive things without being limited due to them growing christmas trees.

What negatives could this have?:
- I wouldn't see any negatives if implemented properly.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Me owning a market stall and only being able to decorate it to a certain limit (40 props, so like nothing) due to me also wanting to grow the small christmas trees.
I was wondering to give holiday items is own category as when you have gingerbread you can't have a lot
id like this idea if server performance wasn’t already tanking with all the entities in existence at one time.