Server Suggestion Extra Bullet in the chamber

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Suggestion Title: Extra Bullet in the chamber
Suggestion Description: basically while reloading a gun which has a full mag with another full mag the player doesn't pull the slide/receiver this leads to the gun having an extra bullet in the gun this also works if the player unloads a weapon which had a full magazine, to get rid of the extra bullet you'll have to press R again to pull the slide or the receiver. This is already implemented in Shotguns and M24 sniper.

Why should this be added?:
- More Realistic gun mechanics
- New Combat Mechanism

What negatives could this have?:
- Recoding the weapons system
- Development time

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Players can carry a single more ammo which could be the difference between life and death situations, it also adds a layer of strategy to the game, also adds more realism to the weapons

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Suggestion Title: Extra Bullet in the chamber
Suggestion Description: basically while reloading a gun which has a full mag with another full mag the player doesn't pull the slide/receiver this leads to the gun having an extra bullet in the gun this also works if the player unloads a weapon which had a full magazine, to get rid of the extra bullet you'll have to press R again to pull the slide or the receiver. This is already implemented in Shotguns and M24 sniper.

Why should this be added?:
- More Realistic gun mechanics
- New Combat Mechanism

What negatives could this have?:
- Recoding the weapons system
- Development time

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Players can carry a single more ammo which could be the difference between life and death situations, it also adds a layer of strategy to the game, also adds more realism to the weapons

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I am going to say no, The idea is quite useless and said just wastes time. Giving an extra bullet to the gun is completely useless.
Find this idea very nice and realistic, i would really want to see this some point in the future tbh.
If firearms are ever redone, this would be a good consideration. As is, Adding to our current system is (allegedly) complex.
I would actually like this to be worked into the current system, as even some descriptions of the firearms, such as I believe the Scar L states that the capacity of the firearm is 30+1, which of course in practice is not the case at all and is slightly confusing at to see why, as stated by DemonZ, the firearms with lower capacitys can be increased( albeit not by a significant amount, however with pistols that one shot can def count) and overall just makes sense to implement.
I can't find the thread where I suggested this back in 2019 or later but apparently this is hell to code/just not worth the time back when Stephen explained it. Maybe also more prone to bugs, this was back when weapons had some ghost reload bugs where they wouldn't fire after reloading.

But lets face it, the feature is mostly useless and it would maybe give the Deagle more use for an extra shot.
If this is ever to be added, they would have to make sure to know which firearms would have +1 and which ones wouldn't for realism, for example the Uzi and Mac 11 I believe are open bolt firearms, thus realistically would not be able to carry +1 round.
  • Old
Reactions: A1L
A suggestion I made was denied before for just being able to unload the rounds in your mags.

It doesn’t seem like more gun mechanic realism is a focus rn
Would be a nice change, can't imagine it'd be too tricky to do and would be a helpful feature every now and then
I would actually like this to be worked into the current system, as even some descriptions of the firearms, such as I believe the Scar L states that the capacity of the firearm is 30+1, which of course in practice is not the case at all and is slightly confusing at to see why, as stated by DemonZ, the firearms with lower capacitys can be increased( albeit not by a significant amount, however with pistols that one shot can def count) and overall just makes sense to implement.
Cant wait to get tk'd by that 1+bullet
Definitely something that would be good to implement, but as others have noted, I'm guessing if it is approved it won't be a priority considering everything else being worked on at the moment. Perp is already I'd say easily the most detailed RP I've found on GMOD and anything that contributes further towards that is a plus in my eyes!

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