Fix nades

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Description of the idea: Fix grenades

Why should this be added? (pros): Nades only kill the driver? What sense does this make.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Nothing that I can think of.

*Other additions: [list here]
Nades shouldn't only kill the driver of the car. It would clearly kill everyone in the car and if not expload the car.


From what I can see in that video, the grenade kills multiple people in the van but one survives. I believe this would be more suitable as a bug report.
This has always been a thing for some reason and not just grenades, if you crash your car head on with a wall you will be the first one to die and passengers mostly survive the crash even when you're at full health. Not sure where I mentioned this before, it's a really weird problem.
From what I can see in that video, the grenade kills multiple people in the van but one survives. I believe this would be more suitable as a bug report.
The nade on the swat van only killed the driver. It also killed the driver of my car. All passengers didn't take dmg but only rag-dolled them for no reason.
so what? its a grenade, thats so unrealistic to the point where it wouldnt even be fun, why should a car explode because of some fragnmentation
So your telling me if a fragment nade blows up right next to you (bearing in mind you cant throw things through windows on perp) the person would just get ban up and put 4 rounds of a shotgun into you? no the dude would be in massive pain on the floor or dead.
So your telling me if a fragment nade blows up right next to you (bearing in mind you cant throw things through windows on perp) the person would just get ban up and put 4 rounds of a shotgun into you? no the dude would be in massive pain on the floor or dead.
if you didnt notice, were talking about the swat van
haha. because i survived that somehow didnt mean its broken.
Nades kill normaly all inside.
Why do cry all for fix every time i do something?

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