Forza Horizon 3 - Ended

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United Kingdom, Hastings, East Sussex
Hello everyone, I have code for Forza Horizon 3 as I purchased the wrong game, I wanted the newer released Forza Horizon 4 but did not read the purchase correctly, So if anyone wants the game, just comment below and one lucky person will get it. This is for Xbox One/PC users.
I always appriciate stuff. Especially the free drugs I was promised as a kid...
I just want to point out FH3 requires Windows 10.

If you want the game, you'll need Win 10.

I already have the game, but I'd like the code to do a giveaway at a school LAN I'm organising.
Forza is so trash, seriously. I used to like it because of that free roaming you can do in the Horizon series, but seriously it's so fucking unrealistic. Try something like Project Cars 2 or Assetto Corsa that have great simulation of the cars and are both very realistic.