Server Suggestion Functional public pay phones

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Suggestion Title: Functional public pay phones
Suggestion Description: Have pay phone boxes placed around the map, where pressing E on the phone and paying $125 allows you to call a number or 911.

Upon pressing E: you are given the option to:
- Make a phone call ($125)
- Call Roadcrew or taxi (free)
- Call 911 (free but with cool-down)

Moving 3 feet from the phone box should cancel the call. Players using the phone box should have the animation of them making a call.

Rather than displaying the phone number, it should display the name of the payphones location. For example, one placed at the car dealer would say “car dealer pay phone”.

This could be used to give anonymous phone calls without said anonymous phone calls being completely untraceable.

Pay phones should be placed in CCTV visible areas, ideal locations include:
- City hall: 2 payphones on the empty side of the main lobby area.
- PD: Front of PD where the payphone props are currently.
- All gas stations
- Suburbs: 1 against the wall of Jennifer’s. 1 next to the fredys ATM.
- All monorail stations in the empty lobbies.
- Business shops: 2 in the fountain area outside monorail station.
- Bazaar: 2 payphones opposite the ATM in the main walkway.
- Casino area: 2 in the casino entrance. 1 outside ragnatech, 1 outside Roxie’s diner.
Docks: 1 inside docks pub
- Car dealer: 1 in front of car dealer.
- City area: 2 outside hospital, 2 inside bank lobby on the wall closest to city garage. 1 outside beach fredys. 2 in shopping centre on the opposite side of the street to uncle co’s.

Why should this be added?:
- Quick way to make calls if missing a phone.
- Anonymous phone calls for RPing threats without being easy to find.
- Can summon RC, taxi or police to you without having to type out a /rc message that will probably be ignored.

What negatives could this have?:
- coding?
- Prank calls (against the rules anyways)
- Usage effectively limited to anonymous calls and requesting a job to you.
Love the idea of this, especially how useful it’d be if you’re a new player needing help without a phone.

Id want to suggest an addition - Have each Payphone have a personal number that you can call. (101, 201, whatever you want). I think this would open up some interesting RP scenarios like drug pick ups/drop offs, or anything else really. i.e., Meet me at the Fire Station 11PM, you call the payphone to give them further instructions on where to meet you, idk shit sounds cool to me.

I also see possibilities of doing RP Events using Payphones given that we can call them from our phone.
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