Gang activity for dummies!

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Simple guide to gang activity.

Currently, gang activity on PERPheads is mostly raiding, bank robberies and basing. Here is a guide to some alternatives to enforce Roleplay whilst turning in a mad profit.

"Racketeering, often associated with organized crime, is the act of offering of a dishonest service (a "racket") to solve a problem that wouldn't otherwise exist without the enterprise offering the service "
Here is how you can bring this to life on PERP:
-Go to bazaar during a time of high activity there with a fair number of org members.
- Go from shop to shop offering "Protection" from crime for a fee.
- Take mental note of anyone who denies the service whilst saying something like "My gang will protect me" or "We dont need your service".
- Have your orgmates raid and / or mug that shop owner
- Repeat the process until everyone pays up.

This is a common gang crime tactic, as the threat of robberies at bazaar was hardly there before you got there, and now your gang is there, the threat is high and the cause of the threat are the key to the only passive solution to this problem. People will start to realise that them being targeted by a gang at there own shop will cripple and invalidate the profits they make from there shop and will be left with 2 options: Pay up or pack up.

Territorial control:
Self explanatory, take over a street with your gang and utilise it to get maximum profit. This can be done by your gang members buying a large number of properties on that street and basing your operations there. If your district has the drug dealer active in its vicinity, then use this to "Tax" anyone looking to sell drugs. In the gang scene, selling drugs on another gangs territory is usually considered an act of war.

Make your gangs presence visible, have patrols rolling around your block. Should what looks like another gang appear on your territory, then roll up on them in numbers and tell them to fuck off as a sign of force. If they refuse, initiate a gang war.

Dealing with police:
During the gang operations listed above, you will want to have as little police in your area of operations as possible. Here's a few tips on how to keep the feds off your block:
- If cops try and speak to you, try not to let it lead onto any conversation and keep it as brief as you can.
- Don't yell obscenities at them, despite this being a part of gang life IRL, On PERP, it wont get rid of police at all.
- Don't directly stare at them. Corner eye them if you want to watch them but if they see your playermodel staring at there every move, they'll stare back and become suspicious of you.
- Always seem busy. If you're just standing around doing nothing cops will try dob you in for loitering.
- Keep mobile, don't stand around someplace if there's nothing to do in that area.

Hopefully this thread helps you in your gang life, it may be updated soon with newer ideas!

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