Garrett Walsh

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Your Steam/In-game Name: hue ^_^ / Johnny Richards
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ericᴭᴺ(I believe) / Garett Walsh
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:86680196
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I asked this guy how fast his car went, followed him to city hall and his friend shot me. I believe they were meta-gaming also. No communication on what they were doing.
Tick: n/a
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"whats going on" was the safe word, we had noticed you were following us and we had no idea what you may have been planning to do. You were also harrassing us over at the bazaar shops a while ago as well. We took no chances with you, I said the save word then he killed you away from the NPCs and CCTVs then fled the scene clean and hid out for a while before coming back to the public. We were on to you ever since we saw you come from the PD
"whats going on" was the safe word, we had noticed you were following us and we had no idea what you may have been planning to do. You were also harrassing us over at the bazaar shops a while ago as well. We took no chances with you, I said the save word then he killed you away from the NPCs and CCTVs then fled the scene clean and hid out for a while before coming back to the public. We were on to you ever since we saw you come from the PD

Harassing you? It was at the car dealer and I said it didn't go 120. You then drove off. Apparently that's "harassing". Okay.
That was almost 2 hours before this happened. I was never following you, I was driving around in my car with my friend.
"whats going on" was the safe word, we had noticed you were following us and we had no idea what you may have been planning to do. You were also harrassing us over at the bazaar shops a while ago as well. We took no chances with you, I said the save word then he killed you away from the NPCs and CCTVs then fled the scene clean and hid out for a while before coming back to the public. We were on to you ever since we saw you come from the PD

We were never following you, lol. My name in game is Barry Winchester btw.
@WildJoshey seeing as to the current situation with this and accusations back in forth, I feel it would be best to upload the complete demo to the Action Request in order to grasp the full view of the situation. If it was over the course of 2 or so hours, possibly try to give us all the tick marks of important events. Such as the one from the car dealer, and when the situation that you posted here started. Besides that, if they just shot you for no reasonable reason whatsoever, I feel they both should be penalized with a suitable punishment. However to make that final choice, I suggest you do what I listed above.
@WildJoshey seeing as to the current situation with this and accusations back in forth, I feel it would be best to upload the complete demo to the Action Request in order to grasp the full view of the situation. If it was over the course of 2 or so hours, possibly try to give us all the tick marks of important events. Such as the one from the car dealer, and when the situation that you posted here started. Besides that, if they just shot you for no reasonable reason whatsoever, I feel they both should be penalized with a suitable punishment. However to make that final choice, I suggest you do what I listed above.
Lmao I'll try tomorrow pretty sure my game crashed few times but yeah there really was no reason. Never followed, harassed or anything. He changed his safe word in his reply already so that's made up. They're metagaming no doubt but whatever we'll see tomorrow
"whats going on" was the safe word, we had noticed you were following us and we had no idea what you may have been planning to do. You were also harrassing us over at the bazaar shops a while ago as well. We took no chances with you, I said the save word then he killed you away from the NPCs and CCTVs then fled the scene clean and hid out for a while before coming back to the public. We were on to you ever since we saw you come from the PD

Lmao. You cannot kill someone for 'harrassing you'. Unless the person has done life threatening harm to you, or he is an imidiate danger to you, you cannot just shoot him. If he continues to run after you and harrass you, contact a staff member, as that could be seen as excessive negativity. However, I would like to see a demo from both sides, to confirm what had happened.

Definetly a +Support.

User had no valid reason to murder you in a public place even if it was for "herassment". Let's get something straight. Killing someone in public while there are only a few people on is not a valid reason. Think about it as real life, there would definetly be officers at the PD and you can't use the term "there was only a few players on" as your reason otherwise that would be considered as meta gaming since you are using OOC information for information like how many cops are on duty Ect. Second thing is even if he was herrasing you, that is no reason to kill him. I'm saying this from experience because I have been in situations like these where I was herrassing people and calling them names and they killed me for it. It ended up with the person recieving a punishment for 2.5.
I was told that it was, but obviously it isn't. Who cares at this point everyone has said their side, let someone upstairs make the decision. I am gonna go watch Always Sunny even though I have already seen it a few times over.
I'm going to go ahead and support this Action Request.

From the evidence provided it is clear to see that the user did not have a valid reason in order to kill a man. "Harassment" has been brought up however unfortunately is not a good enough threat to warrant a kill. Instead of shooting the man, neccasary steps should had been taken such as reporting it to the police force however such actions were not taken.
I also feel that the location was of poor choice. In the main city there would have been roughly three NPCs minimum that would have either heard/seen the murder which just brought un-needed threats to the users lifes. To add onto the un-needed risk, the location was also about 20 metres away from the Police Department of which the police response time would have been very short resulting in a very high chance of either death to the shooter or, of course, jail time.

Overall i feel that the rules broken include:
  • 2.5 - User was shot because of harassment
  • 3.4 - The location of the shooting happened just 20 metres away from the police department and in the main area of the city
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  • Possibly 6.3 - The user in question stated that after the shooting, they fled the scene straight after the shooting and so NPCs were most likely not accounted for within the vicinity (A demo would be lovely to confirm/counter this argument)
That guy killed you for no reason at all. Including Harassing is not a valid reason to murder someone. You risk an 10 year jail sentence for someone who just harassed you? Eric broke 2.5 for killing someone for an invalid reason and 3.4 for risking a 10 year jail sentence for murder just because someone harassed him. He also murdered you in a very public place where a lot of people would've seen this. Overall a +support.
I've said what I need to say. I don't believe what I did was completely wrong and outlandish.

But If I'm in the wrong then so be it. At least now I'm more informed on the details of the rules.

I'll take whatever punishment I get.

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