Garry's Mod Perpheads: Bad Drivers/Crashes Compilation #22/23

This is why I miss my ex, cause he always said such UK-ish stuff like you are, and, now I see why it's a rule to not pass the red light in intersection, holy shit this is funny as hell to watch.
22 videos later and they're still just as amazing as the first!
and holy shit that evocity tunnel was basically a car derby arena.
good to see elite road traffic officers staying out of this compilation, fucking patrol officers cant drive, quality work from Head & Deputy Head of TPAC I think @Kian Wolf @Hayden @Mimball
good to see elite road traffic officers staying out of this compilation, fucking patrol officers cant drive, quality work from Head & Deputy Head of TPAC I think @Kian Wolf @Hayden @Mimball
Don't worry, next time I see that RTU Officer, I will execute him on the spot.

Great video! I'm actually surprised I haven't been in one yet lol
Of course if any where in, they would be only off duty clips :oops:
Notice how I’m rarely (if ever) in these as the drivers, this is because I am a good driver!!!!