George Johnson's Refund Request

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Your in-game name: George Johnson;

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87834225;

Reason: I've been randomly molotoved, pretty much the guy broke 2.5 / 3.3 / 3.4, and Lewis already took care about that, Lewis told to make a Refund Request to get my stuff back, and here it is;


Tick: ------

The guy that has molotoved his shop had recieved a warning for what he did and he fully understood what he did, when Trax asked me what he should do about his lost items i informed him that he needed to make a refund request to get all the items back.

I will contact a senior or head admin about this request ASAP.
+Support, He deserves to be refunded. It was totally random what Empa did and he lost, as I saw, a lot of drugs and a couple of expensive guns.
+Support He does deserve to be refunded. The events that occurred was completely randomly. Lots of items was lost during this, which could of got this guy low in cash. The actions that took place was pretty stupid. He should be refunded, nobody deserves to have this happen without refunding there needs.
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