***Give Away*** ***20/03/2021***

Reaction score

So just like the last time I did a give away it was some what random. There was never really a way to win
apart from finding the box's that I was hiding around the map.
Along with the community team Myself along with @Efan and @Tyla Jai will be hosting multiple events.

Ps Efan couldn't make the photo!



Murder Mystery

A set amount of clues will be hidden around the map/certain districts. The clues will be pointing towards a murder that you have to figure out. The first person(Can be done in groups but the prize will be split) to find the correct person will win!

Heavy Escort takeout
A group of armed police with small arms and a heavy van (possibly a swat van) Will be deployed to transfer expensive goods. The car must be stopped safely and the people must not be killed. The people defending will be armed with Tasers.

Parkour Event
A event teleport will be set on a spawn point where there will be some sort of parkour challenge. The winner will get to pick his box of goods!

Most wanted
This one will allow the PLPD but also crims to take apart of this event. A man armed with a taser will be around on paralake. The man must be stopped ALIVE and brought to the police. The handling police officer along with the person who handed him in will be rewarded :)

Find the box
Since this is the easiest the will be a few. Multiple box's will be placed on the map. The people of paralake will have to have a look around and find them :)

Find the vault code
A few items with numbers on them will be placed around multiple locations of the map. The to text the correct code to the correct number will be the winner!

20 man gungame limit winner gets a prize.


What can you win? Well look below!


If you would like to add to the rewards and help out in the event(s)/funding of them chuck me a message on discord (1Jamie1#2101), forum DM. Or add me on steam.


Travel For Paralake!


As-50 Hotline


Some time on the 20th due to limitations we need to wait for collier or someone of the same sort of rank to give me some temp perms!

6 chests of items was hidden around the map and the following people won;

@ritzy - box of explosives
@Xeronise - Box of ak's with ammo and mags
@walnash - box of as50's with ammo and mags
@Firuz132 - 100 leaves 100 seeds, 50 lye
@Ashur - box of m82's with mags and ammo
@fatdoobies - Box of m4's with mags and ammo
Secret code winners
@Firuz132 - Choose a holiday penguin
@Ashur - Choose a candy cane
@Kay - Choose a holiday broom
I have kept 4 chests of prizes since we didn't want the same people to just keep winning.
I will be figuring out a way with @Efan and @Tyla Jai A fair way to give the final 4 to the community.

I would like to thank @TinySlayer for helping out and giving me logs, and the staff rank to do this. I would also
like to thank Efan and Tyla for helping. its still a shame Efan could not make it to the photo!

