Hello guys. I've thought about it and came to a conclusion that gaming isn't doing anything good for me at the moment so I decided on giving a long break for it. I'd like to tell my thoughts so you'll know why I won't be playing with you guys from now on.
Computers and gaming has been always a big interest of mine and I've always wanted to be a coder and work in the gaming industry. A big part of fulfilling this dream is graduating from a good university. Right now I'm in the 4th and the last year of high school. After high school I will be moving to US for university. There, I will be doing 2 years of community college + 2 years of university instead of 4 years of university. It is a better option financially to go to university in US. I get to transfer to a university depending on the grades that I get in the 2 years of college time. Better grades, better university. As I stated my goal is to get into a very good university so I will be studying very hard in the first 2 years, that means I'll quit gaming because it takes lots of my time and draws my attention from studies. So yeah that was my plan, giving up on gaming in university to focus on my studies. But I've thought: I'm going to give it up anyway, why wait? So I decided to sell my gaming PC soon and get a laptop instead. For studies, internet and coding. In the remaining time of high school I'll just focus on coding, my current lessons (which aren't hard) and also working out to build some muscle in the gym.
Without going into any unnecessary detail, I'd like to say I love this community and it's people. That's why I won't be gone completely. I'll stay active and administrate the forums also visit the teamspeak from time to time. So I can happily say this ain't goodbye
WIsh me luck on my journey, also have fun playing. Now I need to go study for tomorrow's exams lol.
Computers and gaming has been always a big interest of mine and I've always wanted to be a coder and work in the gaming industry. A big part of fulfilling this dream is graduating from a good university. Right now I'm in the 4th and the last year of high school. After high school I will be moving to US for university. There, I will be doing 2 years of community college + 2 years of university instead of 4 years of university. It is a better option financially to go to university in US. I get to transfer to a university depending on the grades that I get in the 2 years of college time. Better grades, better university. As I stated my goal is to get into a very good university so I will be studying very hard in the first 2 years, that means I'll quit gaming because it takes lots of my time and draws my attention from studies. So yeah that was my plan, giving up on gaming in university to focus on my studies. But I've thought: I'm going to give it up anyway, why wait? So I decided to sell my gaming PC soon and get a laptop instead. For studies, internet and coding. In the remaining time of high school I'll just focus on coding, my current lessons (which aren't hard) and also working out to build some muscle in the gym.
Without going into any unnecessary detail, I'd like to say I love this community and it's people. That's why I won't be gone completely. I'll stay active and administrate the forums also visit the teamspeak from time to time. So I can happily say this ain't goodbye