Glacials Appology @jack p

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Jack P @Jack P
How long were you banned for: 6 month

Your Steam Name: Glacial
Your In-game Name: Victoria Gonzales
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75036557

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Mass RDM
Why should this appeal be considered:
In my opinion, mass RDMing has become commonplace for anyone who wants to leave the community but are too addicted to just leave without coming back, therefore the only way to stop playing is by getting yourself banned and mass RDM is the best way. I decided to Mass RDM because I felt like my addiction was unhealthy, as well my school work HAD to take priority over PERP, so I felt that it was needed to get myself banned in-order to focus.
I would like to apologize first to everyone I killed. I know it doesn't mean much, but this is coming from my heart, so I hope you can forgive me. I would secondly like to apologize to the staff members of PERP and to Jack P, who was the one who banned me and had to deal with the headache that was caused by my actions.

Additional Comment(s): I think that what I did was just following a trend, I was naive and thought that following others examples of getting themselves banned to stop myself from falling too far into my addiction of playing on the server and that I would not be able to focus on what's important, instead of just forcing myself to stop playing the server through pure force of will so I could focus on (again) what's important, I feel that I have improved now and I am ready again to rejoin the community as a rule-abiding member.
Mallard is posting this as glacial feels his reputation is too poor to be considered.
I'm not staff anymore, so I can't really accept or deny. Would need to tag @Collier @Madda and @Bolli

However you haven't been banned for that long yet either, I don't think it's a month ago quiet yet.
Hi as the only person who actually lost items because of glacial massrdm, I completely forgive glacial for his massrdm and would love to see him back on the server :) I feel as though due to the lockdown now would be the perfect time.
It’s been nearly a month and I got unbanned 20 minutes after rdming so what u tryna say
That was due to me being retarded. Also I'm just stating, as it's no longere up to me.
Thank you for your concerns @Jack P :). I understand where you are coming from, i only wish for peoples forgiveness and willing to give me a second chance.
Personally I wouldn't mind if you were to get unbanned, I have no grudge against you nor anything against you in general.
Just a dumb way to take a break from a server, is this. But personally wouldn't mind if this got accepted.
I was killed in this mass rdm even though we were friends and honestly he just got bored and was also getting peer pressured by other individuals outside of the close community to do it. I can safely say that if you got the chance to talk to glacial you’d see he’s a friendly person and I appreciate him as a friend even though we barely talk since he rdmed :)
As a matter of fact I could hear he was Peer Pressured as I was there. So I can witness that.
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