GTA V help

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Hello! I got some problems with my GTA. I've been trying for ages to play GTA but the game won't start.

Here's what happens;

I start Steam and launch GTA V from it. Rockstar Games Launcher comes up and signs me in, then I get a window that an instance of the game is already running and the window closes too quick for me to even read the whole message.

I have FiveM installed which works just fine.

The GTA game folder is completely clean without any modifications.

I've tried to verify game integrities via steam, that did not work.
I've tried to reinstall the whole game, still dosen't work.

In my device mananger, I can see in the advaced view that sometimes GTAV.exe or FiveM.exe (something like that) is running. I try to quit the application but I get access denied.

So, to try to close the program I've tried to use the command promt to forekill the PID which still gives me access denied. I've tried to download and use "System Informer" and terminate the program but that stilld osen't work.

I've also tried to uninstall FiveM completely but it still dosen't work.

So have anyone else had this problem? Or anyone with knowledge who can help me solve this?
Did you reinstall the Rockstar Games Launcher? Or tried running it as administrator?

Yes I forgot to mention that. I've tried to reinstall Rockstar Games launcher too. I've tried to run eevry single program as administrator.... Still no luck
Go to your Documents folder and copy the Rockstar Games folder to another location. It contains save games and cache files for both games and the shitty launcher. When you've backed it up, remove the entire folder and see what happens. You can also share the latest launcher log if you;d like.
Go to your Documents folder and copy the Rockstar Games folder to another location. It contains save games and cache files for both games and the shitty launcher. When you've backed it up, remove the entire folder and see what happens. You can also share the latest launcher log if you;d like.

Still didn't work. I had to relog into Rockstar Games but as soon as it was done and about to start it still said an instance of the game is already running...


But I can not terminate any of them....
So, if you restart Windows using the restart button (Do not shutdown, it just puts the PC to sleep causing processes to stay active), i assume you then start GTA through steam, it launches the rockstar games launcher and then gives you the error that it is already running. Is that all correct?

Generally if a proces hangs and you cannot terminate it can indicate a driver or kernel issue. Can be anything. The .exe is waiting on something it is not getting and such a proces cannot be terminated through task manager or any fancy tool.

Also, are there any GTA or FiveM crash logs? They could indicate the problem.
Problem solved.

Unfortiunetly I can not help anyone else who has this problem as I don't know what I did....

Thanks to everyone who tried to help me here or in dms.