Hello, everyone!

Reaction score
Parts Unknown
Well, first I must admit I've been a lurker for the past 2 weeks or so here on the forums, now that I got some game time and know some people, I decided to post a introduction.

So, hi, I'm Rafael and I've always been into RP, in many games, ranging from GTA San Andreas multiplayer to playing in some SeriousRP on Gmod (aka Clockwork and similars). I have been to many PERP based servers, but I finally found the one of my dreams. PERPHeads has everything I always wanted and the level of imersion/realism that I never found in any other server.

This community quickly became my favorite and that is due to the friendliness and accessibility of all staff members and players I had the pleasure of meeting so far. I'd just like to say that I plan to stay here for as long as the community stays alive. Thanks for being awesome guys and gals and I'll see you on the streets of Paralake.
Ah, you come from GTA:RP - I had a server of my own before coming to PERPheads.
Welcome to PERPheads, I'm sure you've already settled in and met a few people and stuff like that.

Eitherway, you seem like a really nice guy so welcome to the community.
Welcome to the community! Make sure to read the rules by pressing F1 ingame!
Welcome to the community buddy! Hope you enjoy your stay! I'm Hoblit, You will most likely find me as a police officer ingame!
Hello Rafa, and welcome. We all hope you will have a great time on perpheads. If you got any questions, or porblems be sure to let a staff member know, we are here to help :).
Hey Buddy, welcome to PERP. Hopefully you will enjoy your stay. If you have any questions regarding rules or any other matter feel free to ask me.
Welcome to Perpheads buddy! If you need absolutely anything just use /help or create a report and we'll be there!

See you around buddy!