Hello! Im back! LC_R4Y Now xAcEx LC

Reaction score
I applied before for helper. I applied to see what you would all think. I got most negativity for inactive... I'm very sorry about my inactivity now but I'm back! I'm older! And readier to RP than ever before! For those who don't know me I am xAcEx LC (Lewis) I have only been able to get on the new map yesterday but before the update I had 4 Days playtime on the old update! I don't know why but the update completely wrecked my PC and wouldn't let me play for AGES! But now thanks to your trusty moderator EVIL. IM BACK! And glad to be. Anyway since my last appearance on the forums I was young and very very immature. I however now am allot better ; Better punctuated, Better grammar, Cool head, nice guy in-game now as before I was a bit of a ***** From my 2 days with the new community I have met some EPIC people. My old RPers The Belinsky Family. New members but I sure do remember some of them. I am a nice guy now. Less selfish. Always giving out a helping hand when I can! I am going to remove my old posts as they were ridiculous! If I cant id like an admin to remove them for me, That would be AMAZING! As I said about the community. You are all amazing people and I am sincerely sorry for my absence. But now since my PC has finally let me play again. (With thanks to EVIL (again to show him how much it means to me)) Love you EVIL
AyJay said:
Don't know you, but welcome back dude :)
Yeah you do! I did an allnighter with you last night beut you went off towards the end! Haha