Suggestion Title: Help request closed notification
Suggestion Description: Having a chat notification like when a report gets replied to saying it has been closed by the user, we currently get a notification when either a help report is made, or replied to by the creator. So why not give a notification when it is closed by the creator?
Why should this be added?:
- Easier to keep track of reports closing
- Stops confusing @Megasaw
What negatives could this have?:
- Time to code? Though been told be an easy addition
Suggestion Description: Having a chat notification like when a report gets replied to saying it has been closed by the user, we currently get a notification when either a help report is made, or replied to by the creator. So why not give a notification when it is closed by the creator?
Why should this be added?:
- Easier to keep track of reports closing
- Stops confusing @Megasaw
What negatives could this have?:
- Time to code? Though been told be an easy addition