Hello, PerpHeads community and others I guess, I wanted to introduce myself to you guys because I never made a proper introduction so ya here it goes, My real name is Amr Asser and I am from Egypt and yes I can speak Arabic just if anyone wants to know for some reason. I currently live in the Abu Dhabi, Uae Not going to give too much information there *laughs to self* but ya I have been playing on the server for a while since 2012/13ish don't really remember when exactly but then I was stupid enough to drop water on accident onto my computer which meant I could not play games for another half a year. I got my new PC last year and then my router went to shit....(this luck...) then I got a new router for $100 and was very shitty and I regret it, eventually I got used to the 7 MPHS yes I know what the hell you cant even play games well its ok I try hard CS:GO so I have that going for me, thankfully I can play on the server with little lag so if you see me driving like a retard then please don't give me a ticket. Oh and my ingame name is James Bird so if you see me please no mug and tell me hi in LOOC or just a Hi which would also be nice.
No heart emoji so gotta stick with love Amr
No heart emoji so gotta stick with love Amr