Server Suggestion Highlighted Text

Reaction score
Suggestion Title: Highlighted Text
Suggestion Description: Make the bank details in messages sent to you copyable. So for example, if the drug dealer sends me a bank number to wire money to, it should be highlighted and i can click on it and click 'Copy'

Why should this be added?:
Makes it easier to send money

What negatives could this have?:
- None

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Remembering basic didgits

Useful Images:
Or imo, if the player types /bank (number) [server checks for validity] into the messages tab to any player, it should be click able to where it inputs the bank automatically into the slot.
This could also be done with phone numbers by doing /phone (number) [server checks for validity] where you get the option to call or save the number.
It's QOL and would save so much time.