How 2 raid-feat. Tyla

Just a tip from a tactical perspective, don't announce "Everybody out" then just sit in the doorway. You either rush in and gunpoint everyone (If you are allowed) or you go in expecting a shootout.
> Gets few kills shotgun
> Thinks he is good at raiding
> Proceeds to teach us to raid
> Fucks up raid

From a tactical perspective, that was possible the worst thing I've ever seen.

Not only do you announce to the entire apartment complex that you're raiding regals 4, but you also seem to stand in a position without full view of the occupants of the main room leading to you getting shot. In addition you blocking the view of the doorway for SWAT lead to him being unable to assist you when you were under fire.

Cool story though, I'll give it a 3/10.
