How to be Olsen Band3n.

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Professional Stripper
Reaction score
This is a guide for any player to become members of Olsen Band3n on the server.


  1. Take the monorail at city garage to Suburbs. Walk to jennifers and buy an orange suit with suit pants with the following hex code - (Edited for copyright purposes). Estimated cost of 20k.
  2. Powergrow in Puffer/Projex appartments until you can buy a Pagani Zonda for 3750k
  3. Go to Bazaar and run over someone using an M82 just to steal their gun.
  4. Get permenantly banned for CDM.
  5. Lie that you feel sory in a ban appeal just to get unbanned after around 6 months.
  6. If a member of Olsen already hasnt invited you for having a perma ban, proceed to make your own org with the following available names: Olsen Banden, Olsen Banned men, Ols3n Band3n ect.
  7. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP - Pay a small $20 fee for a lifetime membership to the undetectable "Censored" and become a citizen today!
  8. There you go, you are now Olsen.
Estimated Cost: ingame - 3770k OOC - $20

Note: This does not guarantee you an invite to Olsen Band3n. We will not be held responsible for any pay pal payments ( $200 ) or vip refunds if Citizens are permenantly banned for their actions following this thread.
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I've done all steps and i can gurantee this guide is 99.9% accurate.
Step 7 is the most important step.
As a fellow guide follower this is the only guide i have found useful. :pompus:
I'll just pay @Youseff or @Imperial Watch (or whoever the fuck owns olsen) part of my monthly wage

Who needs food? Fuck electricity bills, gas bills and all that shit. Fuck life, fuck you. All I need is Olsen and a carrot suit.
Where is puffer apartment? I feel like this guide is not accurate enough as I cannot get past step 2. Next time make it more accurate idiot

Hello Jarredinator,
Since you havent been on the server since around 2014 I'll go ahead and inform you. Due to your homeland It seems you cannot read pure breed English. Obviously I have not editted the post.
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS oN MeEtInG rEqUiRmEnTs

Hello Jarredinator,
Since you havent been on the server since around 2014 I'll go ahead and inform you. Due to your homeland It seems you cannot read pure breed English. Obviously I have not editted the post.
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS oN MeEtInG rEqUiRmEnTs


AcTuaLly I dID cOmE baCk yeStErdAy AnD iT wAs gReAt fUn

I carry Oslen daily, I'm sure my Comrades can support me here :booty:
This is a guide for any player to become members of Olsen Band3n on the server.


  1. Take the monorail at city garage to Suburbs. Walk to jennifers and buy an orange suit with suit pants with the following hex code - (Edited for copyright purposes). Estimated cost of 20k.
  2. Powergrow in Puffer/Projex appartments until you can buy a Pagani Zonda for 3750k
  3. Go to Bazaar and run over someone using an M82 just to steal their gun.
  4. Get permenantly banned for CDM.
  5. Lie that you feel sory in a ban appeal just to get unbanned after around 6 months.
  6. If a member of Olsen already hasnt invited you for having a perma ban, proceed to make your own org with the following available names: Olsen Banden, Olsen Banned men, Ols3n Band3n ect.
  7. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP - Pay a small $20 fee for a lifetime membership to the undetectable "Censored" and become a citizen today!
  8. There you go, you are now Olsen.
Estimated Cost: ingame - 3770k OOC - $20

Note: This does not guarantee you an invite to Olsen Band3n. We will not be held responsible for any pay pal payments ( $200 ) or vip refunds if Citizens are permenantly banned for their actions following this thread.

Aha but they edited the post so you are no longer directly linked to but will they censor this post.
The staff team will never stop us. Editting my post again and face the full wrath of our Citizens!
Brinch is a gayboy.
i done all these steps plus pretended i liked nade, husky and dom but it not work! please help.

love you @Jamal

//mobile phone
[DOUBLEPOST=1517180691,1516287803][/DOUBLEPOST]After following this guide and repeating step 7 I can confirm this guide works.
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