Hyperlate & Dylan Smith

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Niko / Jared Fillerton
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Hyperlate / Adam Cawthon & Mr. Revenge / Dylan Smith
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:65529263 & STEAM_0:1:82798042
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
First, the two decided to pull over John Bishop for a reason that was never specified. Bishop also didn't appear to have done anything wrong, unless driving carefully (slowly) is illegal. Then Dylan Smith (Mr. Revenge) took an unnecessary manoeuvre and used it on Bishop, hitting the front left side of his vehicle, despite not even looking like he was about to escape. Bishop was immediately ticketed without an explanation from either of the officers.
When there then was an emergency call concerning two men being mugged by me & Bishop, with our cars described in that call, Bishop was immediately cuffed. As I was already carrying illegals and wasn't ready to go back to jail (IC reason), especially after our recent crime(s), I pulled out my M9 and told the two officers to get on the ground. Officer Cawthon (Hyperlate) decided to pull out his service pistol and try putting me on gunpoint, despite me already having pulled out my gun and put it in attack stance. At this point, Hyperlate definitely risked his life, as it took me no time to notice the gun being raised, and immediately gun him down as he became a hostile.
Short version:
3.15, (sort of) 4.1/4.3 (There is no law directly against driving slowly, and it isn't really reckless), 3.4
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 10468 - 12169
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Driving slowly is reckless, particularly on the highway. However, 10/10 roleplay for the engine issues thing, that's fantastic. In case it wasn't obvious from the stop starting you even said it over mic to make it clear.
@Mr. Revenge deserves at least a blacklist for their actions, there was no need to slam into the side of the vehicle nor was there any need to ninja ticket it.
I shouldn't even have to mention the 3.4, fairly obvious.

+Support i guess
Hyperlate should get a ban for 3.4.

Mr. Revenge, is it realistic to ram a car who has an anegine problem? Is it realistic to pull them over by the highway? You should atleast get a warning or something.
Wait sorry, i don't get this @Mr. Revenge... You gave him a ticket because he was driving slow? HE had his RP reason to say ''My engine is really bad'' but you just ran out and gave him a ticket without even talking to him not even asking him what the problem is? ' for an example:

  • ''Why are you driving so slow sir, you are blocking the traffic?''

Just really think about your actions before you do them, because in this case if i were a cop i wouldnt ticket him straight away and i think others will say the same thing.
Request Accepted

First off I am not going to issue a ban for this only a warning. In the video you can hear the officer say that he is stopping you because they received a report of cars matching the description of those you were driving being involved in a mugging. However they should not have done such a maneuver to pull you over and instead told you to pull over in the bazaar parking area. Hyperlate you are going to receive a warning for pulling your gun out while you were at gunpoint and Mr. Revenge will be receiving a warning for ramming the car when it was not needed.
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