I fucked up and sold my mini

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Your in-game name: Joe Baggers

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:2594862

What do you need refunded: Fully upgraded mini cooper.

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: My car was bugged, for some reason i couldn't spawn another car saying its damaged even though its in good condition. I went upstairs to the car dealer to try to spawn something else there but i accidentally went on the wrong menu because i was clicking to fast and i sold my mini while i was trying to spawn it instead <_<

I'll give back the 17.5k i got from the sale, i don't care about the items inside the trunk.

As far as I know a refund request was denied because of the fact that you don't just accidently sell your vehicle in real life, not to sure. Just pointing that out.
As far as I know a refund request was denied because of the fact that you don't just accidently sell your vehicle in real life, not to sure. Just pointing that out.

In real life you don't click trough a 2-way menu to sell your car either, and a garage won't refuse to give you your car just because your other car is damaged so don't give me that shit please.
In real life you don't click trough a 2-way menu to sell your car either, and a garage won't refuse to give you your car just because your other car is damaged so don't give me that shit please.
Okay so first of all I wasn't the one who actually denied that refund request I just pointed it out now there is something I wonder from what you stated in your refund request

I went upstairs to the car dealer to try to spawn something else

Now please tell me how were you going to spawn upstairs when in the end you would have to buy a car to spawn something else? (IIRC)
something is not right in the story.

Plus this isn't the servers fault which results in it not being refunded as far as I know?
What do you mean something isn't right in the story? I wanted to try to spawn a different car from upstairs but ended up selling my car by accident and that caused me to lose 317K as its double upgraded 150k per? While its true that its my fuck up that i sold it by going trough the menu to fast it was the bug that caused the whole situation. We're all human and make mistakes sometimes, but losing that amount of money from a missclick kinda hurts. Surely it doesn't take to much time from the staff time to give me a hand with this?
What do you mean something isn't right in the story? I wanted to try to spawn a different car from upstairs but ended up selling my car by accident and that caused me to lose 317K as its double upgraded 150k per? While its true that its my fuck up that i sold it by going trough the menu to fast it was the bug that caused the whole situation. We're all human and make mistakes sometimes, but losing that amount of money from a missclick kinda hurts. Surely it doesn't take to much time from the staff time to give me a hand with this?
Yes you're right, you're human and so are we all, what you have to understand though is that if we accept your refund request that would mean we would have to change the decision of the closed refund requests where they've make a mistake aswell because it wouldn't be fair if we just accepted yours would it?

What I'm trying to say with the point where something isn't right is that how are you going to spawn a vehicle up there? It's not even possible as far as I know.
Yes you're right, you're human and so are we all, what you have to understand though is that if we accept your refund request that would mean we would have to change the decision of the closed refund requests where they've make a mistake aswell because it wouldn't be fair if we just accepted yours would it?

What I'm trying to say with the point where something isn't right is that how are you going to spawn a vehicle up there? It's not even possible as far as I know.

Count the amount of times someone sold a vehicle and made a refund request within 10 min with video evidence then calculate the time it takes for someone to refund it (+/- 2 min per case) and see if that total amount of time spend is higher then the amount of time you spend typing all this in my refund request.

Also if a tree is blocking the road and the government doesn't remove the tree, forcing you to go around it into the dirt where there is a huge hole and you fall in it and break your leg you will try to get compensation for breaking your leg to. Nobody is going to try to say "You tripped by yourself so its your own fault"
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Count the amount of times someone sold a vehicle and made a refund request within 10 min with video evidence then calculate the time it takes for someone to refund it (+/- 2 min per case) and see if that total amount of time spend is higher then the amount of time you spend typing all this in my refund request.
It's not the time that's the issue

Refund Requests work like this; Servers fault = Refunded, Rules broken = Refunded, Anything outside of that = Denied.
It would be rather unfair to give you a refund then not give anyone else who made a mistake themselves a refund because it was their own fault.

Also could you please explain to me again as I've asked why you went up there to respawn a vehicle? You first tried to respawn the Range Rover but then you went up and sold your Mini Cooper?

You were the one who decided to sell the vehicle, you should've been more careful when you used the menu, also please note that no refunds are made if it's not on the servers end.

note; this was gone through with a high up staff member.
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