Server Suggestion Increase Reward for joining Forums

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Parts Unknown
Suggestion Title: Increase Reward for joining Forums
Suggestion Description: The Forums is one of the best parts of PERP, a place where the community comes together to chill and have a laugh. Old players still regularly pop here form time to time to chat.

I do think we struggle to engage new players onto the forums and the prize of one pistol just isnt enough.

I propose we increase the reward, not sure what too, ill leave that up to discussion but change it from making a thread to making an introduction thread which will be more engaging!

Why should this be added?:
- Bring our new players to the forums!

What negatives could this have?:

Useful Images: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....icy=Letterbox&imcolor=#000000&letterbox=false
Think Juan has the right idea- 15-20k is plenty to get some basic kit to live in the city for a while... I would of killed for 20k starting over a pistol.
more cash > weapon, cause not everybody uses that weapon. Some people might never get to because they join and main cop or a civ job for a while then never need to use a beretta m9 off duty. Cash can make it so they can also redo what they did in their missions use that money to fit a budget for fishing or growing or other jobs to come like farming as I suggested.
Your argument is bull though, increasing won't increase activity on the forums as they post and leave until they have to appeal a ban.

You are better off suggesting a repetitive step related to ingame or X period of time for X time getting X (like 5k or something) cash every time that mission is brought successful for a maximum of like 5-ish times with a requirement of having a post in shoutbox X amount of messages or forum post, that is what brings engagement not increase X reward meaning they still only join once.
I agree with Blobvis on this, Repetitive steps would be better.

Maybe a weekly reward for all players of like
$8,000 (that could be used for 1 Free wheel spin or a gun)

And as requirement to receive this they need to : post/react at least 1 time.
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80% of new players are gmod tourists and in terms of gmod server forums, we’re one of the most active forums anyways. Incentivising more users is pissing in the wind.
80% of new players are gmod tourists and in terms of gmod server forums, we’re one of the most active forums anyways. Incentivising more users is pissing in the wind.
I don't think we need incentives.. The people who are using the forums are active in the community, whereas the rest is just active on the server.

If a person has incentives to be active on the forum they will be anyways... Just like you shitposter.
Forums is now an MP5K instead of an Baretta M9. Steam Group is now $25k instead of $10k.

I don't think this going to make much difference though. We have had more users join the forums in the past 18 months than we have ever had join discord or the steam group. Part of the issue is due to how the rewards are set up, which needs a complete redesign to have any real impact.