j a r r e d ban dispute

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: nutrient - flugs

Your Steam Name: j a r r e d
Your In-game Name: jar head
Your Steam ID:

Why were you banned?: (See: ScamBans) User unrealistically climbed onto the roof of a building then killed people in this position. // Banned for Enforcer flugs
Why do you feel the ban's invalid?:

It is apparently not allowed to be on the top of the parker building. At the time I was never informed or told off about this. In the rules it says nothing about this. I believe if you do not want people on the roof of parker you should make invisible clippings to prevent people going on there and problems like this rising because of it.

I managed to get in this position the roof without prop pushing myself or boosting on other people or cars. I didn't turn into superman and flew 4 meters from roof to roof, I didn't climb unrealistically high walls or roofs, everything was wall within what a normal human being is capable of in a real life situation.

Talking about realism, I was punished for performing unrealistic maneuvers that in real life would not be possible, which allowed me to get onto a position I realistically would not have been able to get into. I don't understand how I can be punished for being unrealistic in an environment that is filled with unrealistic aspects. Why can I not climb the ladder? Why can't I climb the fence on the side there is no barbed wire? Why are we not allowed to give each other a leg up? Why can't we just simply climb the wall of glass co or parker that is literally just roughly 2 meters high? All of this has the answer "To improve game play experience" or "The game engine doesn't allow you to". This is a perfectly fine answer. This does however make the whole situation a grey area mess which I am somehow expected to precisely pinpoint what is realistic and what is meant for gameplay experience.

In my eyes there are enough resources at the parker and glass co building which would make getting onto their roof realistic enough. I don't think it is fair to punish me for getting somewhere 'unrealistic' when realistically I would be able to get there using different methods that I cannot use due to the game engine, clippings and modelling preventing me to do so. You could argue that these aspects are there so people don't go on the roof, but if that is the case, then why wouldn't you simply block of the roof itself, rather than the access points to it, to avoid confusion all together?

This is all in consideration of my original mindset where I did not know it was not allowed to go on the roof and that there were enough realistic options to do so. If I visually see a ladder that should bring me to the roof but doesn't work for reason unknown to me, I am very much under the impression that I should be able to get onto that roof, without it being a violation of the rules.

Had a staff member previously told me off about being on the roof the situation would've been completely different. However, as mentioned earlier, I have never seen anyone, including myself, get punishment for being on the roof, nor have I ever known it to be punishable for being on there. This alone is why I feel like the ban is excessive and should be removed. A verbal warning would've been sufficient as I was not aware being on the roof is against the rules.

Additional Comment(s): No
Evidence (Required for all server bans): Nothing

The reason the ladders do not work anymore is to prevent people from getting on the roof, you got up there unrealistically by jumping on a CCTV camera which is disallowed by rule 3.3 "nor should they climb onto objects which realistically would not hold their weight." More clarity regarding situations like this will be provided in the near future but the punishment will remain.

Reviewed with @Cole and @Mimball.
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