Server Suggestion Jailer removes ticket

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Suggestion Title: Jailer removes ticket
Suggestion Description: Raiding PD is the hardest thing to possibly do next to robbing bank.

The Jailer, a SGT iirc, is somebody who realistically should be able to be gunpointed for more than simply to unlock cells.

Only the person who was just broken out will have their ticket removed upon the cell doors opening and their sentence on the top right disappearing or upon talking to the Jailer shortly after exiting the cell area.

I understand this suggestion was made and denied. However it is totally different and only a part of it is being suggested here not the main point people seemed to dislike. The idea here is what @Sindarin for example said "would be nice" so I thought it's worth a mention.

Why should this be added?:
- saves cops from being taken hostage when realistically the jailer should've removed ticket not a poor CPL+
- Makes PD Raiding pay off in a way which it reasonably should

What negatives could this have?:
can't think of any
I agree because you lose moneys worth of your weapon if you fail to raid and the ticket is way less i don't see how it affects anyone so i believe this should be added
What negatives could this have?:
can't think of any
I like the suggestion but I think adding this would just make people raid PD for the pure reason of getting their tickets removed, which would make PD raids so often that most cops couldn't change their gear and stuff like that.
I like the suggestion but I think adding this would just make people raid PD for the pure reason of getting their tickets removed, which would make PD raids so often that most cops couldn't change their gear and stuff like that.
oh nvm i just realised u exactly countered the thing i said, i can't read, yh good suggestion then ig
After witnessing how many PD raids there were yesterday in a 1-hour period, I wouldn't add any more incentives to doing them

What problem is this suggestion trying to solve? (I've proposed adding this question to the form, not asking it in a bad way)
After witnessing how many PD raids there were yesterday in a 1-hour period, I wouldn't add any more incentives to doing them
i dont know how many but im sure that its rare to have the pd geting raid more than 2 times in 1h
After witnessing how many PD raids there were yesterday in a 1-hour period, I wouldn't add any more incentives to doing them
winning PD raids is extremely difficult and what you're referencing was probably during a high pop hours when its even MORE difficult due to how many cops are on. This is not as much an incentive as it is a balancing and a protection.

What problem is this suggestion trying to solve?
2 problems:

1) Winning a PD raid, which is extremely difficult, should reward you with a ticket removal realistically because you can use the jailer. Currently, it doesn't which makes no sense.

2) CPLs+ get kidnapped over a ticket removal, gets put in jail cells, criminals win and leave. Now the officer sits in jails for like 30 minutes yelling to get out or is forced to f6... it's happened and it will continue to happen if tickets aren't automatically removed.

Criminals hate 10k tickets just as much as cops hate having their fun ripped away by being kidnapped to remove tickets in PD raids then being put in a room for 30 minutes.
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