Jamie Reeve AC

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Georgia, United States of America
Your Steam/In-game Name: Garret_Pp/Garret Pierzchajlo
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [/CC/] jamiek540/Jamie Reeve
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56120155
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Officer Jamie Reeves approached my shop (Bazaar Shop 1) and requested to search my house because he got a call about drugs in the area. I told him, because I did not trust him, to call a supervisor because I would allow them only to search my shop. He of course calls a speed enforcement officer instead. He continues to cite law 11.4 and 1.10 as reason to search my facility (11.4 only covers pedestrians and 1.10 is only worth a fine and not a valid reason to search a property). Of course even in citing these laws he had to follow 11.5 to be able to search my property. Without a warrant he only has the right to search when "to respond to an emergency services call, to respond to the hearing of gunfire, to respond to the witnessing of a crime/illegal activity, to respond to a person in-need, etc." (Paralake Law 11.5). None of these conditions were met of course. So he attempted, in that sense, to break law 11.5. This officer also attempted to break law 4.1 (Unlawful detainment) by trying to arrest me for 8.8 (Failure to comply with Law Enforcement Personnel) which, of course again, does not apply. I did not fail to comply with a stop or a warrant search and in no way broke any laws. I also was not detained in that time so that part of the law doesn't even apply. So forth this officer harassed me without proper reason and I believe he should be punished appropriately. He was just looking for trouble...
Evidence (Demo Required): https://mega.nz/#fm/4MpEkapD
Tick: Look near the end of the demo, I honestly don't know where to check. It is just me and the officer and Ryan Henderson(cop) at Bazaar though during this time so that should be enough it find it.
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The link you gave was the link to your cloud drive. If the demo was made after the map update, feel free to open a new AR. However if it was made before, sadly the demo cannot be viewed.​
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