Jay Hatch ban appeal

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Birmingham, United Kingdom

Appealing for
: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Jack Peterson
How long were you banned for: 3 Days

Your Steam Name
: jacob.hatch
Your In-game Name: Jay Hatch
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:234554157

Why were you banned/blacklisted:2.5 User car bombed the Mayor, because of his secret service called the cops on him. Got a warning 5 days ago for a very similar reason and lots of warns this month hence the length.
Why should this appeal be considered:
I've spoken to jay hatch about the situation, including going over 2.5 with him and explaining what he should have done in the situation. He feels bad for what he did, and I explained how his actions affected others in the situation in a negative way. He says he acted like he did out of anger at the moment, but feels bad for it now and hopes he has learnt his lesson.
Jay seems genuinely sad about the incident and has looked over the rules to make an effort to change and learn from the situation.

Additional Comment(s): I wrote this for jay hatch as he was very sympathetic over the situation, and unfortunately could not write this for himself due to illiteracy.
Even if not considered, he was extremely thankful to Jack for reducing the ban as he "can't last that long without PERP".
Im gonna say no not from me, reason why I have decided to comment in this appeal is the fact that one of his warnings that was considered for this ban was a car bomb attempt he did on me for saying "I swear to god". He has gone on long enough without being properly punished, you could also argue the fact that he has autism, so does 90% of the community. Even some staff have said that with some of their punishments, they could blame it on their conditions, yet they havent. I could of done the same with with my ADHD and Autism, yet i havent.
Its the 2nd time this week alone he has either tried to carbomb or he has carbombed. He has done this previously.
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