Joey Alvarez/JoeyThings

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Since i've begun being active again for a bit and of course, maining pd cause im shit at all crime.
I met this cool man Joey, absoluely one of my favorite Staff Sergeants currently, he's so helpful while on patrol with and just a cool guy basically.
Joey in my opinion of course is extremely helpful, need help with anything or have a question and he answers like a lambo bro, probably why he has the helper role but yeah.
Since my promotion to Coporal i've begun seeing Joey alot while on-duty and it really makes your day, Joey can be serious with his duties as a Staff Sergeant but at the same time be funny and just a chill guy, basically he's like my role model for my duties as officer, i wanna reach the same level he has someday cuz Joey is the best helper on perp.
This is making me look more like a cop main.. xD

But fr I'm glad I am able to be a role model for you and hopefully for other officers, that was one of the main reasons why I applied for helper and why I applied for SSGT in the first place, and calling me the best helper might be a bit of an under statement xD (im kidding Chris is by far the best helper and please don’t look at my H&S count) but in reality, Floppa you could reach the rank I have, just work hard and try to be apart of trainer roles in the pd putting a lot of effort in, I believe in you. Also thank you for making this I really do appreciate it, each time I see one of these it makes me very happy and it also lets me know that im making a big impact in the community which always makes me happy. Thank you very much Floppa I wish you well and work hard to achieve your goals!