Server Suggestion Joinable Organisations

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Suggestion Title: Joinable Organisations
Suggestion Description: Allow organisations to be set as 'Private' (invite only), 'Public' (Request to join) and 'Open' (anyone can join)

This would allow players who arent in a group to join an organisation and make friends with other players in a similar situation, it will also make organisation recruitment smoother as the forum page just isnt really in use.

I dont think i need to go too much into detail on this suggestion but being able to have an open org and being able to see what orgs you can join would greatly improve solo players experience.

Why should this be added?:
-Helps solos out

What negatives could this have?:
-More orgs?

What problem would this suggestion solve?: -Less lonliness
Make it so you request join via an NPC or something so you cant just hit f3 and spam join.
You also should be able to set a join limit, so the org won't hit 0,20 yield for example, because 20 people joined the org.
I feel as if some rules should be added to this to assist new players and stop them from joining a public org getting invited to base and getting mugged… (although this falls under 2.5 probably but it’d be nice to have it written in the rules)
I feel as if some rules should be added to this to assist new players and stop them from joining a public org getting invited to base and getting mugged… (although this falls under 2.5 probably but it’d be nice to have it written in the rules)
You also should be able to set a join limit, so the org won't hit 0,20 yield for example, because 20 people joined the org.
Org leaders should still have to approve or deny people for this system to work. Having that be the case would make this idea a flawless addition to PERP.
This sounds like an amazing idea and could be good for new players finding organisations.
Nah, that would be stupid. The organisation leader(s) should have the freedom of choice at any rank.
sorry, i dont mean perk but like something the leader can give certain ranks the permission to accept/reject. if that makes sense
I feel as if some rules should be added to this to assist new players and stop them from joining a public org getting invited to base and getting mugged… (although this falls under 2.5 probably but it’d be nice to have it written in the rules)
Agree, bunch of new players and alts would join random orgs for ez KOS and shit, if your org is public you shouldn't be able to help them. Only private organizations should be allowed to instantly help each other. It's the same feeling if you went down to the local book club signed up, then it turned out to be an underground mafia and you're asked to kill a cop for a member, it would be incredibly unrealistic. So this suggestion would not only have to be added, but also a rule surrounding it would need to be added... I don't have high hopes for this. This should be added purely for crafting/legal org purposes for new players to make friends and learn how to play together.
Agree, bunch of new players and alts would join random orgs for ez KOS and shit, if your org is public you shouldn't be able to help them. Only private organizations should be allowed to instantly help each other. It's the same feeling if you went down to the local book club signed up, then it turned out to be an underground mafia and you're asked to kill a cop for a member, it would be incredibly unrealistic.
I didn't forsee this as much as a problem, but when i start to think about it i get it...

Maybe just a cooldown from joining/leaving?

Think it would be a harsh penalty for orgs not to be able to support each other if they are public
Think it would be a harsh penalty for orgs not to be able to support each other if they are public
Yes but read back to my main point and use critical thinking here.
. It's the same feeling if you went down to the local book club signed up, then it turned out to be an underground mafia and you're asked to kill a cop for a member, it would be incredibly unrealistic.
Not to mention alts/minges trying to snowball guns or reasons to kill people will be out of control, a rule will definitely need to be in place surrounding public org's. A private criminal gang/organization/organized crime, under realistic standpoints. Cannot just be joined out of the blue in real life, and would cause issues here. Joining a private org with the intention of being a criminal should be worked for, not a free pass to KOS cops or people. People gotta get their clout up before that shit is allowed.
Yes but read back to my main point and use critical thinking here.

Not to mention alts/minges trying to snowball guns or reasons to kill people will be out of control, a rule will definitely need to be in place surrounding public org's. A private criminal gang/organization/organized crime, under realistic standpoints. Cannot just be joined out of the blue in real life, and would cause issues here. Joining a private org with the intention of being a criminal should be worked for, not a free pass to KOS cops or people. People gotta get their clout up before that shit is allowed.
But equally, and yes my brain can handle critical thinking, its the same as orgs spam inviting players from the invite menu as it is.
i reckon this is a great idea in some aspects, however the only issue i see with it is just generally having like 20 new player org zergs, and (assuming) most havent read the rules will lead to an absolute shit show.
Yes but read back to my main point and use critical thinking here.

Not to mention alts/minges trying to snowball guns or reasons to kill people will be out of control, a rule will definitely need to be in place surrounding public org's. A private criminal gang/organization/organized crime, under realistic standpoints. Cannot just be joined out of the blue in real life, and would cause issues here. Joining a private org with the intention of being a criminal should be worked for, not a free pass to KOS cops or people. People gotta get their clout up before that shit is allowed.
What about being in an org let's you 'kos' other people?

'Snowball guns' also wtf are you on? You get 50k from the tutorial and a free mp5k for posting on the forums. The car is free and you start with planters. Literally the only thing new players are ever going to do is 'snowball guns'.
This would be great, it reminds me of the covenant system from the Dark Souls franchise. Having orgs that have built-in perks regardless of org level that aid a player below a certain playtime would be great to have, especially now that all these quality of life updates are being added.

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