I have no clue why my old post was denied, so i'm gonna make a new one. LINK TO OLD POST https://perpheads.com/threads/just-a-small-snappy-suggestion.16088/
Discussion Post: (I have no clue what this is.)
Main Idea: Add the new police ranks to the 'Reprimands' list
Full description of the idea: Add the new police ranks to the list of 'Reprimands'.
Why should it be added?: As of now, it only says that LEO's are 'Police Officers'. I think you should be able to see what rank they are, since this would allow officers to more easily know who to contact for different situations.
Pros: Supervisors are able to see which person they should contact for different situations.
Cons: Don't really see any.
Discussion Post: (I have no clue what this is.)
Main Idea: Add the new police ranks to the 'Reprimands' list
Full description of the idea: Add the new police ranks to the list of 'Reprimands'.
Why should it be added?: As of now, it only says that LEO's are 'Police Officers'. I think you should be able to see what rank they are, since this would allow officers to more easily know who to contact for different situations.
Pros: Supervisors are able to see which person they should contact for different situations.
Cons: Don't really see any.