Kane Big-Ross

Reaction score
@BigRossKane has been doing some really good stuff, he is incredibly passionate about what he is doing and he puts a ton of hours into his Rogue Magazines, the work he has been doing has been the most unique stuff I've ever seen on Perp. Not only is he passionate about what he does, but he also nails it perfectly every time he finishes something. The amount of detail and love put into his work is insane.

Kane is a nice dude too, very fun to talk to, and always has been there if I needed help. Keep it up, my man!
Kanes an amazing dude always messaging the homies to see if they are okay!
I take everything back I just said
Fuck him, he's an idiot.

I love that guy, he's an amazing fella, always very fun, creates some amazing content and deserves the "Content Creator" tag (@Efan).

He is also a Taylor Swift fan so +1
cant say ive seen him about on the server due to my imprisonment #BUNFEDS but he just seems like a genuine solid guy overall, got nothing but respect for him and hes got a banging music taste as well
To be honest, this don checked up on me randomly on steam one day and brought a tear to my eye. Heart of gold and a funny fucker as well. The shit he has been doing on perp is next level. Keep it up BIG ROSSSAAAA.