*La Familia*

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OOC Name: MuZZ

IG Name: Matt Log

Economy: I don't have a good economy! My friend is borrowing 100k and I will get 150k back but I need VIP so I'll have a about 90k left cuz I only have 9k in bank right now! But I will have 90k! I don't really have something to sell, but I will keep trying to have a good economy in the near future!

Cars owned: Dodge Charger 2012

Picture of storage: http://prntscr.com/goqaa3 (Picture of my storage)
OOC Name: Illusion™

IG Name: Joe Diamond

Economy: 77k (Just bought a 100k worth of mats)

Cars owned: Gold Corvette GSC

Picture of storage:

Picture of Inventory:
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