Law 2.3 Freedom of speech.

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: A brand new law.

What law do you wish to change/add: 2.3

Why should this change/addition be made: Adding this law should let people know that they have the right to speak and defend themselves.

What is the aim of this change/addition: Implementing this law should allow for people the right to have a chance to defend themselves during an interrogation where the officer decides to go rouge and just arrest you because "I saw you holding the weapon" When in reality, you never had a weapon on you and the officer never searched you. Discrimination and sexism should also be forbidden.

Example: Typically any resident of Paralake has the right to freedom of speech, any person(s) who attempts to suppress another commits an offence.
Law enforcement wise, any resident has the right to verbally defend themselves and to ask for an interrogation to provide evidence to appeal a punishment lawfully.

Felony- liable to 2 years maximum sentence and a 2500$ fine
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Inb4 people use this to yell down a cop doing his job and arresting them for running away after punching someone. Right now there is nothing keeping people from saying whatever they want, apart from gagging, which could be physical assault. I do not think this is needed, unless it was a rule to keep the corrupt staff from deleting your OOC and adverts :kappa:
Not really needed.
The very premise of freedom is speech is the ability to publicly express their opinion without fearing for government retaliation.
Your two examples are based on when being taken into custody by law enforcement. People already do have the chance for their case to be looked at by a supervisor as it's a part of the PLPD code of ethics.
Although technically not a law, I'm pretty sure there is something in the works to have the right to call for a supervisor if you feel your case is being improperly handled.
All this does is enable problematic people who just want to waste police time.
i agree with this post, i was at regals on a crime scene because i was apart of the scene and was going to a senior officer about what was going on, and this guy just starts saying in a very annoying voice "GO BACK GO BACK GO BACK YOUR NOT ALOUD TO BE HERE" while i was trying to talk and he was just ignoring me while i was trying to be friendly with the officer +Support i do not like officers like that.
As this is 4 months ago, I would like to have this thread closed. I feel that it would just be used as an excuse to walk over a crime scene "with the intention of speaking to the officers".
However the idea is still there, if anyone would like to pick it up and continue it then feel free to.
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