[LBA] Legitimate Business Association

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What is the LBA?:

The LBA, or Legitimate Business association, is a pact established by multiple organisations that reside in Paralake. The LBA unites these organisations under one body, together they fight for a common goal.

How does my organisation gain entry to the LBA?:

It is incredibly hard for an organisation to gain entry to the LBA, they must first meet every bullet point on this list of standards:
  • Must have been operational for 4 months or over.
  • Must have at least 10 members.
  • Must be somewhat known within Paralake city's underworld.
  • Must have been an ally with the LBA before applying for membership.
  • Must adhere to the LBA's articles before applying for membership.
If you believe your organisation meets all of these points, you could be eligible for membership within the LBA.

LBA's Servies:

The LBA runs a variety of services for the criminals of Paralake. These services are created and managed by the members of the LBA. Their names and services can be found below:

Name of service: Jon's Singing Club (JSC)
Owner: Jon Godinn
Description: We entertain people, during a raid, while growing or just at partys!
Prices: In raids: 5k - While growing: 10k - At partys 5/10/15k

Name of service: Belinsky Hit Service
Owner: Viktor Belinsky
Description: Professional hits, guaranteed to remove the unwanted
Prices: $5,000 for civilians / $10,000 government employees / $15,000 mayor

(If you are a member of the LBA and whish to create a service, bring your idea to the chairmen, once it is made clear the service to does break of the LBA's articles, your service will be officially established)


To view the LBA's history, click the spoiler below:

"The Legitimate Business Association, or LBA, was founded in May 2014. The LBA was founded to unite five criminal organisations under one body, to annihilate a common enemy. The original five organisations consisted of, The Belinsky Family, The White Feather Mafia, The Bikers, and The Bishop Brothers. Together, they set out to destroy the Greek Empire, and the Ghetto Brothers.

The Belinsky Family and the White Feather Mafia had been fighting the Greeks and Ghettos for many a month. The Greeks and Ghettos had been pushed back, however after a large intake of members during April, they began to return in full force. May saw the founding of two new organisations that would go on to become great allies of the Belinskys and White Feathers, these were known as The Bikers, and The Bishop Brothers.

In mid may, the leader of The Bikers, met with Viktor Belinsky and suggested the founding of a pact, that would unite the four organisations under one cause. After consulting with the leaders of the other founding organisations, the name 'Legitimate buisness association' was chosen, and the pact became operational.

Within days the Greeks and Ghettos were collapsing, loosing bases, money, and members with every passing hour. Eventually, the Greeks and Ghettos gathered one last time, for their final push, their last chance to take down the LBA. The Greeks and Ghettos arrived to the gates of Glass Co in full force, with over 15 members present. The LBA's members were heavily outnumbered and outgunned. However within minutes the Greeks and Ghettos were falling back, the LBA pushed forward, forcing them around the back of the car dealer. The rest of the LBA gathered at the wall between the Car Dealer and Bazaar. As the escaping enemies attempted to run to Jennifers, all were shot down. Not a single one made it.

Within hours of the final raid, the Greeks had disbanded and the Ghettos surrendered, agreeing to the LBA's terms. This marked the end of the LBA's first war.

Unfortunately, as time passed the Bikers, White Feather Mafia, and Bishop Brothers all began to disappear, until eventually the Belinskys were the only ones left.

Now the LBA has been reformed, as of May 14th 2015. The current, and founding members are: The Belinsky Family, and The Paralake Partership. Today, we bind together with the same values that held us together in the days of old"

Current Member Organisations:

  • The Belinsky Family
  • Paralake Partnership


The LBA follows a structure of command. However your position within the LBA is not determined by your position in your organisation.

Councilman: The Councilman's job is to ensure the LBA runs smoothly, the Councilman can be seen as an overseer that manages the member positions and Chairmen. The Councilman cannot partake in any voting process within the LBA.

Chairmen: The Chairmens jobs is to vote on the subjects and matter brought before them. The Chairmen therefore ultimately run the LBA, deciding on its motives and regulations.

Member: A member of the LBA. The Members can put forward their services or subjects for which the Chairmen can vote for.

Current Member Positions:

  • Fredy Newman
  • Eddie Grey
  • Viktor Belinsky
  • Harold Bloom
  • Billy Belinsky
  • Reece Davidson
  • Moher Moussy
  • Jon Goddin
  • Ben Walker
  • Lewis Doman
  • Aaron Roycewicz
  • Michael Boyle
  • Kenneth Walker
  • Abdi Abdullah
  • Ash Anderson
  • Brian Husky
  • Tyrone Trevon
  • Isak Rafn
  • Harry Barnett
  • Tyla Jai
  • Andreas Weise
  • Joe Slice
  • Kevin Walker
  • Ben Anderson
  • Johannes Bech
  • Ran Luka
  • Maako Schou
  • Aidan Dunham
  • Paul Matthews
  • Franklin Slice
  • Ron Beton
  • Zack Adheriall
  • Garret Woodfield
  • Tomiko Ashimura
  • Jack Noah
  • Eddie Rolo
  • Matt Grand
  • Ben Standish
  • Ben Lockwood
  • Cole Rogerson
  • Jian Huan
  • John Daymon
  • Liam Belinsky
  • Zoey Lockstus
Current member count: 44


Article 1: An attack any one member of the LBA will be considered an attack against the all.

Article 2: Under no circumstances are any members of any organisation within the LBA to harm one another.

Article 3: The act of mugging within the LBA is strictly prohibited, unless authorised by the governing bodies of the LBA

Article 4: The members of the LBA (And their organisations) must do everything in their power to ensure the safety of every member of the LBA. This means silencing those who have incriminating, and responding if backup calls are made.

Organisation Relations:

Organisations which the LBA is currently at war with will be marked with '[War]'

The LBA may ally with organisations without them necessarily being within the LBA itself.

Ally Organisations:

Enemy Organisations:

Defeated Organisations:

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To all members of the LBA:

As mentioned above, you can apply to have your own 'services' within the LBA. Your service can be used by members within the LBA, or common criminals outside of the LBA.

These services allow you to earn extra income, instead of growing all the time.

Your service and what it does it up to you, but, just in case you're stuck for ideas, I'll list a few services you could possibly have below:

  • Raid assistant - You could be hired by others to assist them on raids, you could be paid a certain amount, or get a cut from the profit
  • Hitman - Pretty explanatory, paid to remove the unwanted (Please make sure you do it within the rules)
  • Driver - If you're a pro driver this may be the job to you, raids, heists, just get your people out of there safely
  • Gunsmith - Open an LBA approved store, or any other shop, selling items useful for us criminals
New Service update:

Jon Goddin's, 'Jon's singing Club' or 'JSC' has been added to the LBA service list. All LBA personnel can request to use the JSC service. Prices are listed under the 'services' subsection in the main post.
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After a conversation with Viktor the Pashkaverka Family has now been invited to join the Belinsky Family by that we've also joined the LBA meaning we will have the same responsibility and rules as everyone else.

After a long time in Paralake City we've made our enemies and those will be told to Viktor and the LBA as it's crucial for them to know what to expect and what to attack.

We've decided to join the family and LBA as our money was dropping down a lot and we started begging for food.
LBA Suggestion (For all chairmen to vote):

The recently founded Adheriall family, by Mr Zack Adheriall, I believe deserves access to the LBA.

Though their family does not meet all the requirements needed for acceptance, the families values are very similar to ours. It is also important to note that Mr Adheriall has been known to both I, the leader of the Belinskys, and Mr Grey, the leader of the Paralake Partnership for quite some time.

Mr Adheriall, has already agreed to follow our terms if his family is to be accepted. I believe their family can achieve great things, for both themselves, and us, the LBA.

Thank you.

- Viktor Belinsky: leader of The Belinsky Family, and chairman of the LBA

From today a few people will be invited to a special group where they will be given objectives to silently assassinate people in times of war or in times of enemies on the streets. These people will obviously stay secret and will never ever tell anyone that they're in this "unit" A contract will also be given to them, if read and accepted the contract will be signed. If any of the people wants to leave the group that will obviously be possible, although there will be a special way of erasing the memory;
LBA Announcement:

I would like to welcome the recently founded Adheriall Family. Even though the family does not meet all our requirements there was a majority among the chairmen that the family should be invited to LBA. Therefore I can now announce that The Adheriall Family is now a part of LBA.

Fredy Newman – Paralake Partnership, Secretary of Treasury and Councilman of the LBA
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