Let player entities remain for X amount of time after timing out

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Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/let-p...-for-x-amount-of-time-after-timing-out.19166/

Main Idea: Letting entities such as drugs, guns, ownage of buildings, etc, remain after a player times out/crashes

Full description of the idea: When a player crashes, it's said/treated as "X has timed out" after that, things such as the player's props, drugs, ownage of property, should remain for an X amount of time until X player has reconnected. If X player does not reconnect after X amount of time, the items listed above (and more) would disappear as they do now when you disconnect/time out.

Why should it be added?: I cannot stress enough on how much this would relive players when they suddenly crash out of nowhere. Too many times, I have crashed growing drugs, being unconscious and being placed in jail upon reconnect, in the middle of an important situation or before, etc. It'd be so great if you can come back, knowing that the amount of money you put on buying the property, drugs, guns, etc, wouldn't disappear when you came back. Too many times this happens. I'm growing I'm bound to crash and lose everything, my pots, seeds, etc, having to re-spend all my money to get it back, just to have it all disappear as I crash once more. I'm sure this happens to other players too, and aggravates them just as it does to me. It would lessen the amount of Refund Requests being made resulting from crashes in game, giving staff a break.

Pros: You won't lose the investment you've made into everything you've bought/crafted.

Keeps immersion going as when you're driving with a friend on the intersection your car won't disappear out of thin air and the guy won't be banged by 10 cars and ticketed for jaywalking.

Won't make you piss yourself when you return

Cons: Delay when you can actually buy something, such as an apartment.

Delay on if you can get a cruiser or not.

*Other additions:
Let it state in LOOC that X player has timed out.

*Images: [N/A]
When you leave, it already stores all your placed/dropped items into your storage. This is why we penalize/ban people who leave to save their dropped gun. So if you leave, time out or server crashes, your stuff goes into your storage. I'm unsure if Fredy has anything for properties being refunded like that, you'd have to ask him or Stephen.
Earlier today I accidentally reconnected (I was looking at the player list) I literally was in 15 seconds later. It took 10 mins to place my props again, I lost 2k for the house, and I lost all my drugs. I agree with this completely. This would also stop people disconnected so people don't take their drugs, crashes during raids, and pretty much make the game 10x better. Another suggestion I have that may be controversial is if you disconnect with a gun in your inventory it stays on the ground for maybe 5 minutes and then returns to your inventory. That would be a cool concept but I don't know.
When you leave, it already stores all your placed/dropped items into your storage. This is why we penalize/ban people who leave to save their dropped gun. So if you leave, time out or server crashes, your stuff goes into your storage. I'm unsure if Fredy has anything for properties being refunded like that, you'd have to ask him or Stephen.

True, but things like drugs, pots, properties, etc, will not remain and you will have to buy everything all over again.
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