Leveling up the crafting system

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The new crafting system

Short explanation:
Make it so a higher crafting level means less time between each material added to the mixture.

Detailed description:
Making a big drug plant can take up to a minute or more. As I have spent a lot of money and time reaching level 8 in crafting, I think people with a higher crafting level should be able to craft stuff faster than people with crafting level 1. Not to mention it's pretty annoying to click the wrong material and then have to wait for it to finish before you can try again.

Optional additions:
Maybe remove the ability to click the wrong material and wait for the timer.`
Make it possible to chat while crafting, for example not having to start over if closing the F1 menu.
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This idea seems possible but i suck at this stuff. Stephenpuffs will probaly reply to this. However you need to put your idea into this template for it to even be considered:


Short explanation (in notes):

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

Optional additions:
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Think it should be like a minigame, you have to click all the green buttons really fast.
The new crafting system was added in order to make users actually do something whilst crafting to enhance the roleplay side of it and make it so it's not completley instant whilst making things.

The system in my opinion is pretty long, and overall could be shortened in time to craft; but clicking on the thing which is highlighted is fine in my opinion. It allows for users to actually engage with crafting and not just sit there bursting out pots of drugs like they're smarties coming out of a tube.

This has been suggested before, shortly after this was added a couple of months ago; heres @StephenPuffs' response:
I explained this to you while on the server in the first hours of the update as well, I am not fully happy with the current crafting times as of yet. So I do plan on changing how the overall time takes for several items, as some craft too fast and others craft too slow. Yes it will be changed, but it may take a little while for me to get around to with the holidays presently.

So yes, it will be changed and hopefuly it will be made shorter. However, the system of clicking to craft will stay.

OFT: Utilize the 'search' function next time.
The crafting system was added to improve rp, and lower the ammount of " combat crafting " situation - you are escaping from cops, no gun on you. You started crafting shotgun. You stop running and turn around with shotgun = rip
I forgot to add something. I hate not beeing able to chat while crafting. Can you make it so I don't have to start my crafting all over when I close the menu?
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