Lua Bug Report (Blackjack sometimes doesn't work)

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United Kingdom
Type of Bug: Lua

Description of the Bug: Blackjack sometimes doesn't work

How to reproduce the Bug: Not sure, I just sit down at different chairs and I get no prompt to place a bet then eventually kicks me out for not placing one.

Time Stamp: The time of this bug report being created

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I've noticed this as well. When it happens again, try using other tables as well to see if it works. I'll look into it when I get more time.
I've noticed this as well. When it happens again, try using other tables as well to see if it works. I'll look into it when I get more time.
Yeah I did try the other tables and still had the same issue but there has been occasions where they do sometimes work while others do not
I'll have a look into this. I did notice that when people enter the Casino first sometimes a client sided LUA error shows up with message 'ensureFoot'. Do you also encounter this before you start playing?
I'll have a look into this. I did notice that when people enter the Casino first sometimes a client sided LUA error shows up with message 'ensureFoot'. Do you also encounter this before you start playing?
No errors as of two days ago