Lua Bug Report (Cannot repair vehicle at CD repair.)

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
Type of Bug: Lua

Description of the Bug: Cannot repair vehicle at CD repair.

How to reproduce the Bug: Tier 2 a vehicle to keep variables consistent. Go to get it repaired and it will look all well and good, except it wont let you repair it. The text boxes suggest that you can but nope.


Notes: Audio in video is very bass boomy. I'm not sure why, I'll nee to look into that but just a warning incase anyone is sensitive to that.
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This has happened in the past, probably forgot to make a bug report or maybe there is one, dunno. But I believe this is caused cause your vehicle is $15,000 for the repair, however you need the extra $1,000 for the repair of your tires, I remember someone getting the extra money out and it took it and repaired all of it, probably just doesn't check and it fucks up I guess, that's what I think anyways.
This has happened in the past, probably forgot to make a bug report or maybe there is one, dunno. But I believe this is caused cause your vehicle is $15,000 for the repair, however you need the extra $1,000 for the repair of your tires, I remember someone getting the extra money out and it took it and repaired all of it, probably just doesn't check and it fucks up I guess, that's what I think anyways.
That's a good point. I'll check on that later tonight and report. If that's the case we should get the hud changed to reflect that or something else. Tiering shouldn't pop tires would be my suggestion, only guns or spikes can do that.

I can see many being confused by this.
This happened too me but it was just what happened with what a1l said so I didn’t make a report cause I thought it’s meant be like that
Tiering shouldn't pop tires would be my suggestion, only guns or spikes can do that.
And this is precisely why I've made my suggestion.

Just because you wrecked the bodywork doesn't automatically mean the tires need to be broken.