Lua Bug Report (Can't join an emergency job after raiding bank and being revived)

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Type of Bug: Lua

Description of the Bug: Can't join an emergency job after raiding bank and being revived

How to reproduce the Bug: 1. Have the vault open
2. Die during the bank raid and get revived
3. Serve your sentence but you still get a message saying "Drop me off the cash at city office"
4. You won't be able to join any government job: "You can't join a job and rob the bank at the same time!"

Time Stamp: N/A

Errors: Not being able to join a government job even though you serve your sentence after a bank raid...

Media: N/A
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FYI: There were no current warrants on me when I tested this and I have been revived and arrested so I served my sentence...
So the reason why this happened was because the bank robbery was still on going, as the Heist NPC was waiting to receive the laundered money.

There are only two ways to change this:
  • Remove anyone from the bank robbery if they get jailed
    • This would make jailed players ineligible for the money
  • Finish the bank robbery when all stolen money is removed by death/confiscation
    • This would still mean you couldn't sign up for a job if you were arrested but someone else escaped with the money
I'm not going to change this straight away, so happy to hear opinions before anything is changed.