Mass CDM Not as bad as massRDM?

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If you look at bans of roadcrew workers who drove about running over groups of people, you'd see they got 1 day to 1 week bans. If I did the same thing and randomly went around killing people, but using a gun instead, I'd get a massRDM Ban.

Notable examples:
a particular scottish mad man Failed to kill anyone except himself when he attempted massRDM. Got a 6 month ban.
Another user recently banned for running over people as RC for no reason.
Another user on evo Attempted to massRDM but failed, 6 month ban.
A user also got 2 kills attempting to massRDM, got a 6 month ban.
Another user shot some cops for a technically valid reason then shot someone who was sat gawping at the shootout, he initially got a perm ban for it.

So why are people getting tiny bans for driving people over for no reason, if users who shoot other players for no reason are almost always banned for a considerable amount of time for it?
It's staff DISCRETION. On another note this is so true why do RC get so little bans for basically Mass RDM'ing but I am pretty sure every other player would get 6 months. To me seems like if you want to Mass RDM just go to Road Crew and get like a few weeks ban max and then come back and play normally.
Or do the same, after coming back, usually wont get long either for second time.
This is something I've never really thought about, but I see. And it seems pretty fucking stupid, Running someone over should give ATLEAST the same punishment.
Everyone getting MassCDMed is really plesent. It is one of the funniest things that can happen. I even find it funny when I am a victim of MassCDM it is that great. Should we really be discouraging this sort of Noble behaviour?
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