MattIsMadForC̶o̶c̶k̶ Cod, ChewKokLong420 and Murtsley

Reaction score
Parts Unknown
I'm guessing this is a recommendation for Matt to get Admin, Murtsley to get Enforcer and Chow cause he is an absolute Geez.

Recently I started playing on the server; probably just about a week ago, and these 3 in particular for being pretty rich and experienced on the server have still let me base with them and take me under their wing when it comes to teaching me about how to play and the rules. The reason I didn't just make the recommendation for one is because all of them collectively have helped me out in each area of the game really, Matt has been helping me out a lot with the rules, Chow has been teaching me how to f*** niggas up and Murtsley has been teaching me how to quote rules every 2 mins :kappa:.

But honestly these guys have really helped me out and welcomed me into the community with open arms, I think that Murtsley would make a great Enforcer, I can reassure you he has a good understanding of the rules, and I think the Enforcer rank will be a great way to show the community his potential which he previously showed as Mod. Matt also was previously a Admin; if I'm wrong correct me, so that already shows that he has had the potential and experience in the past, and he is one of the most friendliest staff members I've spoken too and not only keeps the server clean of rule breakers, he also makes sure they know exactly what they did wrong and attempts to teach them over than slamming the ban hammer; although I've only spoken to 1 staff member this much so you're probably all Geezas. Lastly Chow, I just wanted to make sure everyone knows that your a friendly guy and again knows all the rules inside and out; mainly from Murtsley reminding us of them all. ;)

P.S: Thanks to everyone else who as also welcomed me to the community, haven't forgot about you!

Thanks guys and I hope us Geezas stick together,
Jeffrey Geeza
Thanks for the kind words mate!

I've really enjoyed RPing and spending my time with you along with of course, the PTP crew. Can't wait for more RP in the next few days!

Thanks so much :)

See you around Lad!
you're mad because i arrested you ;) jk, We had some fun in the banter van/raptors :P