metagaming AR

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+ The audio is delayed lol but you can see us pressing X to speak to eachother.
seems like they removed the evidence, not to worry i got a backup
Nothing here was metagaming. I and Eren know each other well and all we talk about in discord is about real life events and giving each other advice and shit. Everything we do in-game remains in-game. Eren is that kind of person that follows the rules. If I even want to metagame he wouldn't even let me.
In my honest opinion, all that's dirty here are you wasting your time to go around making ARs with insufficient evidence. I've heard that you've made multiple ARs before that have gotten denied. It's sad. Especially when you're not losing anything in this instance. You're probably mad that we used to raid you.

You have a lot of time in your hands. Put it to good use, at least for your own sake.
if you think that you didnt break any rules how come you deleted the

As it is not against the rules to talk about real life stuff i would just like to say next time guys mute your Discord simply!
Reviewed by myself and @Shay
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