[Meth bug?]BelgLmfao

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So I've decided to start doing meth again but I placed down 15 meth to cook at regal. It explodes first so I lose 1 and my stove. Then I place a new stove to let it cook some more.
But then it explodes for a second time, but suddenly all my 14 meth that was left dissapeared and there was only 1 black meth left. Normally the max amount that explodes is like 1-3 not 13 :(

It explodes for the first time at 35000 ticks.
The second time at 42000 ticks (aproximately)

Yeah I did respond to your report Belg, however there isn't much that I, an Administrator can do, but I see you went a long with what I said and made a thread with a demo. I'm sure Bolli/Alex will review this and see what the problem is.
It might be a bug or it might be due to teh fact that you placed a new stove (I'm unsure as I never place a new stove if the stove disappears I just pick the meth up if that happens

I will talk to Bolli to see if It was a bug or if he will refund

(On hold)
LEWIS 088 said:
It might be a bug or it might be due to teh fact that you placed a new stove (I'm unsure as I never place a new stove if the stove disappears I just pick the meth up if that happens

I will talk to Bolli to see if It was a bug or if he will refund

(On hold)
I have spoken to Fredy about this and he has said to deny this and close it

(It must be coded in like that, It's not random)
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