Minecraft - All The Mods 8 2023

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United Kingdom

By request of a surprising number of community members in only a week or so period, I've for the 8th or 9th time started a minecraft server!

We're once again using All The Mods 8 (1.0.19b)
Server IP:
Discord: https://discord.gg/TbnEpqB4Pn
PVP is enabled and encouraged, basic conduct rules apply and no cheating.
Server is available to join immediately upon this thread's creation.

Credit to @A1L for offering to host the server this time so that I don't have to mess around optimising the server for the shittier CPU.

After a 1-week grace period starting now, anyone that is able to successfully take down Stark Industries (@Collier, @Mim and myself) will receive a $1,000,000 perp-cash prize.
i'd join but i have played minecraft once
You're full of shit buddy you said you were looking for a new game yet here I am still waiting for you in apex lobby where are you? Yes you're in PERP thought you were bored of the server what happened huh
You're full of shit buddy you said you were looking for a new game yet here I am still waiting for you in apex lobby where are you? Yes you're in PERP thought you were bored of the server what happened huh
you said you’d play apex with me traitor…
You're full of shit buddy you said you were looking for a new game yet here I am still waiting for you in apex lobby where are you? Yes you're in PERP thought you were bored of the server what happened hu
icl i forgot to install it
Really bitch you know I play maybe fucking launch the game and just play nah you're both trolling
i ain’t getting on and waiting 4 hours for you to get online mf just say “Apex?” and see my reply
i ain’t getting on and waiting 4 hours for you to get online mf just say “Apex?” and see my reply
Yeah I will apex you don't worry I did the same with the other genius and he didn't even reply back he's been stripped of his rights literally no shame and also what are you on about 4 hours of what