Minor word change - Section 2: Right to Self-Defence

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Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change

What law do you wish to change/add: Section 2: Right to Self Defence and Necessity
A person who performs any action under this section that is contrary to the law that results or is likely to result in death or injury of a person, or damage to property or possessions must report the incident to emergency services law enforcement as soon as it is practicable to do so.

Why should this change/addition be made: Clears up a loophole that allowed people to claim self-defence as long as they told a firefighter or paramedic (someone who cannot place a remark on a record or have discretion under Section 4.1). Additionally, clears up a loophole allowing the responsibility of reporting the incident to be deferred to a third party rather than by the actual user of deadly force.

What is the aim of this change/addition: This adjustment makes it very clear what needs to be done following a self-defence incident, rather than the ambiguity of "emergency services" where certain officials cannot actually make a remark or officially investigate a scene. The only adjudicators for self-defence should be law enforcement. This also removes the variable of citizens being wrongfully arrested (or released) because they made a statement to emergency officials on-scene instead of a police officer.