Montage 2

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This is my first ever montage with me actually being a Criminal and stuff, and not only a Police Officer as of lately I've been criminal way more than I've been on duty, it's been taking me while to make this as I haven't been arshed or just dumb to remove videos as I needed space for stuff on my computer etc.

Ehh I'm not usually making Montages and videos etc anymore, and Montages is just something I've never really been doing only ones, so I just put in what I thought fit.
Ah, the alternative montage, just the clips of you dying, innovative, I like it! Keep it up :)
Can't have all of those where people only survive and kill people right ;)
Red Screen gang, dont include videos of you just dying, because thats what I saw smh.
Also music could be better
To be honest even with all the shit you're gonna get, I respect that you and your friends haven't just given up after a few days.
tfw you have to shoot twice with a Remington and when im not even looking at you at close range
Cause he was hiding behind the medic and I didn't want to kill the medic lol